I’m Teaching a Photography Class at UC Berkeley
This has been a project in progress for almost a year, and I’m so excited to finally announce it officially.
This Spring Semester, Kim Ambrocio, Navid Jawad, and I are co-facilitating a decal! They’re actually photo gods & my love language is bringing people food. If you’re a Berkeley student + available Mondays 5-7pm + interested in elevating your photography game, we’d love to party with you.
Primary Course Aims
1. To be conscious of and control photography lighting
2. To learn how to run a profitable and fulfilling photography business
Amazing photos are created, not because of gear, but because of a photographer’s knowledge of light and people. While it is easier than ever to take photos, there has been a lot of technique and philosophy lost in the sea of tech and number crunching.
Photography & my business have brought my life so much happiness and fulfillment. I hope to share that joy through this class. Looking forward this semester 🙂
Click for the syllabus: https://tinyurl.com/h2gl-Syllabus
If you’d like to apply for the class, sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/h2gl-Application